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Friday, September 01, 2006New Job!So the big news that I have been sitting on for the past week is that I have a new job! For those of you who don't know, I was miserably unhappy at my last job, and used it as an opportunity to get paid while looking for a much better one. And that, I think, I have found. It's with a small company, there are 3 people in my office including myself, and a lot more flexible than my old job. I'm nearing the end of my first week, and think I will like it very much. There's a big difference between working for a HUGE multi-national corporation, and a smaller 15 person company. I think I am going to like it here, and I hope to stay awhile. So if you have been wondering how I was able to stay out of the Pluto debate, not put my two cents in on the rising cost of oil prices, or why I haven't updated you on the various food products thrown at my car, it is because I'm busy at work, trying to learn everything I can as quick as I can. My mood in general has definately improved, so you definately have some more updates coming at you fairly soon, you just might have to wait a few weeks. See you soon. ![]() ![]()