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Thursday, March 23, 2006Fine, fine, I'm it!Ok, to start off, I hate these surveys, hate them more than I hate George Lucas for ruining Star Wars.... ... but I love my girlfriend and when she looks me with those puppy eyes... ...those enraged, glowing, rabid puppy eyes, I just can't say no to her! (no, I really can't, I tried) So here is the now infamous (that's better than famous) tag four meme... FOUR JOBS I'VE HAD: *Chili's (waiter)- I worked at the Chili's in Georgetown for a total of about 4 weeks. It was the most miserable experience of my life, and not just because people in Georgetown don't know how to tip, I quit this job because I went tubing one day for 8 hours and got the worst sunburn ever, my entire tummy was bright red, and I couldn't wear a shirt. I called in sick to work, and they told me to put some Noxema on it and come in... I showed up two weeks later to get my last check *Dell Computers (inbound phone sales)- I can't say a lot about this job (no really can't, they won't let me) but lets leave it at long hours, lots of stress, not the best choice for my first job out of college. I quit on my birthday, and I still haven't seen a gift to top that *Fine Arts Proctor - I sat in the lobby of the Fine Arts building at college and tired to get surly hippie art students to sign in. I also made sure no one stole the Grand Piano's. *Library Periodicals - Another college job I had, working in the SU Library, putting alarm strips in the back of magazines (and co-worker's back packs) and getting to look at all the restricted materials they kept in back (like European tabloids with boobies in them) FOUR MOVIES I CAN WATCH OVER AND OVER: For me, this is most movies, but if I had to pick four... *Star Wars Trilogy - so good all three only count as one (if you have to ask which three, I hate you) *Resident Evil 1 & 2 - I just love these movies *Pirates of the Caribbean - I must have watched this like 20 times the first week I had it *Cowboy Bebop - Well, some anime had to make the list, and even though this was an episodal series, it is one long story line, so I just consider it a huge movie (oh yeah, there's also a movie, that too) FOUR PLACES I'VE LIVED: Don't have four, you get three *Conroe, TX *Georgetown, TX *Walnut Creek, CA (or just the Bay Area) FOUR T.V. SHOWS I LOVE TO WATCH: *LOST - If you are not LOST, then you really are... *Scrubs *Futurama - Thank you Tivo for recommending this *The Simpson's - I've seen them all 500 times and still come back for more FOUR PLACES I'VE BEEN ON VACATION: In cooperation with the California Board of Tourism (and cheers to what I can only assume will become a very lucrative partnership) I've listed all my favorite places I've been in California *San Diego - Spring Break '05 WHOOOOOO *Mendocino County *Napa County -sure it's in my own backyard, but what's better than a vacation in your own back yard! *Yosemite - Sorry, picture not available, but the most beautiful place I have ever been in my life, thanks Glaciers! FOUR FAVORITE DISHES: I'm not really a big fan of food, so lets see if I can make all four *Beef Stroganof - the way mom used to make it *Enchiladas - I would kill for a Enchilada Tejanas from El Charrito in George town! Cheese enchiladas with a red carne sauce on top.... ...seriously, do you want someone dead? *Everything my girlfriend cooks for me - ok, I was just trying to score points on that one *Chicken Enchiladas - One of my ex-girlfriends used to make the best Chicken Enchiladas from an old secret family recipe. They were great, and if there was one great regret in my life, it was being stupid and uncaring enough to not get the recipe while I had the chance. Recently while strolling through the Betty Crocker Cook Book (you know, the one with the red and white cross-hatching on the cover) I found the exact recipe for those Chicken Enchiladas and was even able to make them better than I had before... ...so take that "secret family recipe"! FOUR WEBSITES I VISIT DAILY: *Dooce and Blurbomat -they're married, they are one website now! *marginal thoughts - scoring points, scoring points *What will Pocketboy (who's a girl) do today - that's right, you made the list! *Jay Is Games - can't go five minutes without me games FOUR PLACES I'D RATHER BE: *Playing Fable on my new X-box - I'm only about 5 years behind now *On a beach... anywhere warm *Japanese Tea Gardens - I'm sure there are many, but I'm talking about the one in Golden Gate park *Did I mention playing X-box - cuz right now I'm excited as a five year old on Christmas and all I want to do is play the "box" FOUR OTHERS I WOULD LIKE TO TAG: *Beau - Take that busy college student *Jay - Get off your bum and post *Clever WoT -take that busy law school student I barely know *Chesty LaRue -you know who you are, and if not, I've linked to your blog for clarification *Fuzzball -ok, so I chose five, I've never been one to follow the rules! ![]() ![]()