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Wednesday, April 05, 2006Country Roads, take me the hell out of here!So I have returned from my holiday in Texas, a day late and a dollar short! The day late was due to American Airlines, the dollar short is due to me paying way too much for a chopped beef sandwich at the Salt Lick stand in the airport. There were many fun and exciting things that happened, some of which I will only mention in passing (I saw one of her boobs) , others I may expand upon later (like the wake I went to for a dearly departed chicken named Dusty Bottoms, which I need pictures of if anyone has any). But what I wanted to talk about today is what a judgemental prick I can be. As mentioned above, my flight back home was delayed, thus causing me to find a place to hunker down for the evening. I called my oldest and dearest blog buddy Beau, and he grudgingly agreed to house me for the evening, and even to get up at the ass crack of dawn to take me to the airport. For this I am ever grateful.
Beau lives with a few other friends from college in a nice house in north Austin. As we pulled up I looked at this sizeable home (compared to what I live in out here) and thought how nice it must be live in house that size. I'd like to stop here and make a disclaimer. I love these guys, I really do, they have always been great friends, and I am glad they were able to assist this wayward traveler. As I looked around at the squalor I was nesting in, I made a realization. These are all creative guys. Creativity blooms amidst chaos, not order. Maybe it was the environment that caused their creativity to flourish. Maybe if their floors were clean and dishes in the cabinet, their personal muses would all die a little inside. (their neighbors would be happier, but their muses dead, you decide) I remembered the note posted on the wall in the bathroom, apologizing for accidently knocking someone else's toothbrush into an previously unflushed toilet, but graciously offering up his own toothbrush until he could replace the tainted one. It reminded me of the true graciousness and friendship that we all shared in college, and still do to this day. It reminded me to look beyond the unflushed toilets of the world and see the true beauty of people for who they are on the inside. Robut says "Clean, BAAAD!"
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